Create a flash of light that blinds all enemies within 20 yards for 3 seconds. Elite enemies recover faster, but suffer a 30% chance to miss with attacks.
Unlocked at level 4
Faith in the Light
You deal 29% increased damage for 3 seconds after using Blinding Flash.
Surround yourself in a vortex that continuously deals 105% weapon damage to all enemies within 10 yards. The vortex lasts 6 seconds and is refreshed each time you strike an enemy with a melee attack. Landing a Critical Hit has a chance to increase the vortex effect up to 3 stacks for a total of 315% weapon damage.
Unlocked at level 21
While your vortex is at 3 or more stacks, Critical Hits have a chance to spawn a lightning tornado that periodically electrocutes nearby enemies for 95% weapon damage as Lightning. Each spawned lightning tornado lasts 3 seconds.
Have an Epiphany, increasing your Spirit Regeneration per Second by 20 and enabling your melee attacks to instantly dash to your target for 15 seconds.
Unlocked at level 61
Increases the bonus Spirit regeneration from Epiphany to 45.